Adams, Samuel
U.S. Revolutionary War
Allen, Ethan
U.S. Revolutionary War
America Chooses
a Flag
Arnold, Benedict
U.S. Revolutionary War
Boston Massacre
Boston Tea Party
Bunker Hill, Battle of
Causes of the
American Revolution
Crossing the Delaware
Battle of Trenton
Declaration of Independence
First Continental Congress
Fort Ticonderoga
Franklin, Benjamin
Inventor and Patriot
Gates, Horatio
Greene, Nathanael
U.S. Revolutionary War
Hale, Nathan
U.S. Revolutionary War
Hamilton, Alexander
U.S. Revolutionary War
Hancock, John
U.S. Revolutionary War
Hart, Nancy
U.S. Revolutionary War
Henry, Patrick
U.S. Revolutionary War
Jones, John Paul
U.S. Revolutionary War
King George III
Lexington and Concord
Marion, Francis
U.S. Revolutionary War
Montgomery, Richard
Paine, Thomas
Patriots and Loyalists
Pitcher, Molly
U.S. Revolutionary War
Pulaski, Casimir
Revere, Paul
U.S. Revolutionary War
Revolutionary War
Ride of Paul Revere, The
Ross, Betsy
U.S. Revolutionary War
Sampson, Deborah
U.S. Revolutionary War
Saratoga, Battle of
Stamp Act, The
Treaty of Paris
Valley Forge
Washington, General George
Wheatley, Phillis
Yorktown, Battle of
Display of subjects in the "Revolutionary War (U.S.)" topic